Friday 29 March 2013

New drivers may face night-time curfew

Learners could face tougher lessons and passenger numbers cut amid efforts to reduce accidents involving young motorists.

Newly qualified drivers might face restrictions on their night driving and the number of passengers allowed in their cars, under proposals being considered by ministers.
But learners could also be allowed to drive on motorways and given lessons during bad weather and in darkness to help them reduce risks after they pass their tests.

The government hopes to reduce the number of serious accidents involving young drivers and cut rising insurance costs. Firm proposals are expected in a green paper within two months.
Among other proposals being considered are a minimum learning period before candidates are permitted to sit their test, increasing the probationary period from two to three years for new drivers' licences to be revoked if they receive six or more penalty points, making the driving test more rigorous, and incentives for young drivers to take up additional training after passing their test.

The transport secretary, Patrick McLoughlin, said: "It is alarming that a fifth of people killed or seriously injured on our roads in 2011 were involved in a collision where at least one driver was aged 17 – 24. "Improving the safety of our young drivers is therefore a real priority and will not only reduce casualties but should also mean a reduction in the sky-high insurance premiums they pay.
"I have been clear that I want to see insurance premiums reflecting conditions, performance and risks on the road. We have already done much as a government to address the concerns around motor insurance but more still needs to be done before young drivers feel satisfied they are getting value for money."

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has called for a one-year minimum learning period for young drivers, curbs on the number of young passengers and restrictions on night-time travel for young motorists for a period after passing their test, although with exemptions for those driving to and from work.
It also says there should be a zero blood-alcohol driving limit for an initial period after a young person passes their driving test. The ABI suggests such measures could lead to a 15-20% fall in premiums for young drivers. MG

Source: The Guardian, 26th April 2013.

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