Saturday 20 April 2013

Sunny drive!

Hopefully we should be heading to some better weather.

Remember that there are some disadvantages about driving on bright days. It's always best to carry a pair of sunglasses in the car or to make a good use of the sunvisor.

Bright sunshine can make brake lights less obvious. Therefore a chance to notice too late that the  traffic ahead has come to a full stop and suddenly a rear end collision is a risk. Keep a good separation distance from the traffic ahead of you and observe if the traffic behind you does the same. Beware of tailgating drivers!

The same applies for traffic lights. When the sun shines on them, it makes it very difficult to see which light is on, at times they all seem to be on at the same time. Try to spot a repeated deferred traffic light, which is usually on the opposite corner of the junction,  and might be more shaded and visible.

The best rule is to 'Drive at the speed that allows you to make a safe use and judgement of the road ahead of you'. If in doubt, slow down and adapt your driving to ensure safety. Happy sunny days!

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